For my reading, I chose to read some of the Sindbad voyages. I read up to the fourth voyage, and to anybody else who read the Sindbad voyages, is it just me or is Sindbad an idiot for going on these voyages even though each one nearly cost his life. Sindbad is one lucky sailor, it seems as though he gets left behind alot. Not only that,but he gets left in the most horrible places. For instance in the third voyage he gets left on an island inhabited by giant ogres, one of which cooks and eats some of Sindbad's crew three nights in a row. After escaping that island he gets stuck on an island inhabited by a dragon like creature who eats more of his crew. He eventually escaped that island, but seeing as it was only his third voyage, I don't think he learned his lesson. The story is pretty entertaining though, filled with strange creatures and horrific monsters, I really look forward to reading all of the voyages.
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