Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Isreal Lobby

I found this article very informative. There were some things that I couldn't believe but it still made sense. As I read I felt like I was reading the script for a conspiracy movie or something. While reading I couldn't help but wonder if these facts were all true and part of me doesn't want it to be true, while another part of me is saying that it has to be. To be honest this article terrified me, to think that our government is a puppet for the Isreal Lobby group is very upsetting. Once again I feel as though I have to compare Israel to a spoiled child and the U.S. as it's parent. When Israel wants something, no matter how outrageous, the U.S. goes out of it's way to provide.

One problem I'm having is that I'm afraid I might be favoring and anti-Israeli perspective because all I've read is anti-Israeli literature. I wouldn't mind reading some pro-Israel if only to reaffirm my opinions of the issue.

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